Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Student Visa

Number of cars between the Italian Consulate in Toronto and me: 500000 (over exaggeration)
Number of minutes I had to wait for the Italian Consulate to open: 45
Number of minutes I had to wait in side the very crowded, very HOT visa office: 120
Number of missing items/documents that stood between me and my student visa: 6

Yes, that is right ladies and gentlemen the trip to get my student visa today did not exactly go well. Although I knew that my step-mom and I would get stuck in rush hour traffic, I was not fully prepared for the amount of cars that I saw on the road today. Once the Visa office opened  I had to wait 10 minutes after my scheduled appointment to even talk to the women.  Than I found out that I had to fill out a National Visa Application so I went and filled that out. Not getting off to a very good start. When I went back to talk to her, she had started the next appointment so we waited until they finished, but she started the appointment after that before we could even finish ours. So while we stood waiting in the crowded and very hot and did i mention small waiting room, Kim (my step-mom) and discovered that we were missing a whole lot more than just the application,, such as; confirmation of insurance, bank statements, cash to pay for the visa, an affidavit since I am a minor, passport photos, and photocopies of all documents and my passport. Which means Kim and I now need to go back down to Toronto at the end of the summer with hopefully all the correct paper work. Why do they always have to make these things so complicated? 

Caio for now,
Your very annoyed student traveller,

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